Let's take a little trip in the mind of Jessica, shall we? Often it's a whirlwind ride, so you may want to hold on.
I guess I should preface this by telling you my mind races from subject to subject a lot of the time. When I bring up a seemingly unrelated subject to my husband he'll sometimes ask "how did you get there?" So I tell him. It's usually about a dozen steps that I hopped through in about 10 seconds.
Am I the only one like this? I do wish I could shut it off sometimes...it makes falling asleep at night much more difficult.
Anyway, back to our little trip. This one wasn't so fast, but rather a bit obsessive.
It all started with this photo:
I saw this lovely gypsy caravan inspiration over at an adorable blog, li'l magoolie. And I'm in love. Seriously. Madly. Deeply.
I feel I NEED one of these in my backyard. So I promptly started designing a playhouse for Aurora and Theo (OK, fine, for me really) based on these gorgeous bright colors. I started figuring out how I was going to get my dad to help me build it. I couldn't wait to have the fun of painting it all those colors and sewing curtains and cushions etc.
You'll see that Miko Design had the same inspiration for a great recycled version for her daughter's playhouse.
The plan was definitely to have one with a full size bed in the back so we could have sleepovers in it. Sure, Aurora could do that with her friends into her teen years, but I also just dream of sleeping in such a place. I guess camping out in your own back yard seems strange, but...cool, no?
Anyway, I obsessed over all these pictures and the idea. Then I moved on to playhouse plans. None are really quite right but I was thinking of what I could adapt. Then I started looking at shed plans because maybe those would be more flexible.
Then I spoke with my dad about it and we thought maybe it really would be cool to have it on wheels so we could bring it camping. This led to the idea of refurbishing an RV of some kind. I start looking around, and who doesn't want one of these cool vintage Airstreams?
But I don't actually need a bathroom in it. And, yes, they're WAY too expensive. But what about a regular RV? Let's check out craig's list shall we? I see some real options for older ones people want to get rid of. That would be kinda fun to redo.
Right about now I realized that I can't actually build such a structure in my yard or park an RV without out approval from the stupid, f***ing, homeowners association board. I can't even put out a statue without their say so. I hate it! So I pull out the by-laws to see what I can and can't do. Definitely a no go. Grrr...
So now what? How about moving? I start looking at what's for sale in our immediate area. In the end I like the idea of piece of property still in range of the same elementary school, that is plenty big enough to build our dream house with pool etc. And of course a gypsy caravan. That was the whole point right?
So, tommorrow I'm going out with the real estate agent to look at a few places. Will anything actually come of it? I don't know, but I'm so mad at being limited right now, that it actually makes me want to move.
And my husband is sort of in a dazed shock, like "um, what just happened? You see one picture you like and suddenly we're building a new house?" Poor guy.
P.S. I know I owe you giveaway details, but that should be coming soon. It might be over at a different site, but I'll let you know...