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September 28, 2012


Shawn M.

Can't believe I am the first comment. What rules? I probably break a lot of them since I'm not even sure of all the rules. Here's one sometimes I sew over pins. only sometimes not all the time.
Shawn M.


Rules? Nobody told me about any rules :)


Rules? I thought there weren't any...nor any quilt police :). Other than making sure my cutting and seams are accurate, anything goes.

Karen in CA

I agree with the others, What rules? Just kidding. I like to call them guidelines. Most "rules" except the 1/4" seam offer alternative methods. I just choose the one right for me. Like pressing open or to the side, or how to measure borders. The more you know the better your choices. Thanks for the giveaway.

Becky Greene

I do not like to pin or pre-wash. Those two things would take the joy out of quilting for me!

Dea Lowry

I NEVER pre-wash, and I often mix 100% cottons and "blends". I use serger thread on all my seams. any other rules? not sure, but I probably break a few more too LOL


I only one I don't break is the 1/4" seam allowance!

Jennie P.

I really hate the prewashing thing. I have to agree with others. I'm pretty new to quilting so maybe I haven't learned all the rules yet, but prewashing stinks!


I have a no rule policy. If you insist on having rules I just say, "If you don't know the rules you can't break them." Love the book, I hope I win! Thanks for the chance.


Don't worry ~ you're not alone as I don't have a iPad or tablet myself. My husband does but not me.

I've extensively read all that I can about quilting and all the do's and don'ts but I've also seen many variables to those things I have read and they appear to have worked as well. Because of that I figure as long as I find what truly works for me as I attempt to follow the ideas I have read then I don't feel like I'm breaking any rules.

There is one thing that I always do and that's prewashing my fabric, but I don't think that is really a rule is it? I do that because I always prewash fabrics before doing any machine embroidery and I don't want to mix prewashed and not washed fabrics accidentially in a quilt so they'll shrink differently and ruin something I've worked so hard to finish.

Lauren aka Giddy99

I was raised prewashing fabrics before using them in anything, but when I found out a lot of quilters DON'T, well, HALLELUJAH! I don't anymore, either.

Conversely, I've learned that cotton embroidery floss is very unforgiving, and I've taken to pre-shrinking that.


I guess the rule I break the most is I don't wash my fabric first. I really like the looks of Julie's units. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.


Rules? I'm sure I learned them at one point, but I really don't remember....

Janelle J

I don't pre-wash anything like a lot of people. I don't go by a lot of rules, but like you I do like to take care that it's crafted well and isn't going to fall apart. I am a big fan of ironing too. It makes everything lay nicer and since I do my own quilting I can really tell!


I'm really bad about basting and sometimes I regret it!

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