« 204: puppy party part 1: the details | Main | 206: cantilevers »

April 15, 2012


Denise in PA

Jessica - this is fantastic! This has got to be the best themed party I have ever seen, hands down! I'm sure Theo loved it (what a cutie pie he is!)


Your parties always amaze me! I love all the dog bowls!


What a fun party! Beautiful, yet still appropriate/fun for little kids.


that looks like it was an wonderful bday party. Love what you did with the birdhouses, but more than that, love that you thought about the kids being on the floor to eat - brilliant - they must have had a blast!


Wonderful parties!

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the dog is very cute in the third picture!


I love it! I am planning a puppy party for my daughter's 5th birthday in December. Did you use a service to bring the dogs over? If so, where did you find it? I know that would be a big hit!



Amazing! I have been looking for dog houses for my daughter's bday party and can't find any?

How did you make the birdhouse into a bird house?



I love your dog party. I am doing a dog party for my daughter and want to know if you bought or made the best in show awards. Would you please let me where you bought them or how you made them?


Anne Marie

I love this party idea and am hoping to do something similar for my daughters 4th birthday this summer. How did you find real dogs to come and visit? Any help would be great, thank you!!

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