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January 15, 2012



Love the canvas. What a sweet sister you are.


Will we ever get to see your kids' birthday parties? That's the main reason why I follow this blog...

Andrew J

That "painting" is amazing! It would make a fabulous quilt ...

Tina in Boston

The canvas is so pretty! Your kids are adorable!


The paintings is awesome. You have a perfect family picture. I hope I can have like that.

wall foam insulation

The pictures is amazing. You have the best household image. I wish I can have like that.


I've been working on a "mixed media" canvas FOREVER.

Ok...not working on it. Looking at it in my closet every time I go in to get supplies to make something else.

I'm in a rut.

I think Aurora did a fabulous job picking out her dress! I always buy Christmas dresses (ok, so I've only had to buy three, but still) and I'm trying to "save" the sewing for an Easter dress. I made one last year that was so easy, I'm scared to try again this year. lol

I've got to catch up on all my present posts, too...I'm just so behind on everything.

At least I'm in good company :-)


Amazing artwork for your sister!


Wow! You are so talented!!! I wish you were my sister!

Venetian blinds

Those design as also perfect design in wall and also in curtains for sure using this design this will make your interior colorful.

Zain Hahmi

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Home Improvements Guide

Those design as also perfect design in wall and also in curtains for sure using this design this will make your interior colorful.

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