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October 05, 2011



Looking forward to see more. I pre-ordered the book back when you first showed the cover on the blog and it looks like it will be shipped from Amazon on Oct. 22. Can't wait to droll over some new exciting projects :)


I've been admiring it ever since I first saw the cover! I'll be following on the tour for sure :)


Looking forward to seeing more of this book! I love the bag

Krist Van Os

I've been eyeballing your book since I saw it. I'll also be following the tour!


I saw the postings for your new book on many of the blogs. I'm looking forwards to seeing it in the quilt shops. It looks wonderful.

Karen S

The cover of your book just begs me to open it. The cover quilt is brillant!!!!

Jessica Levitt

Thanx Crystal!

Jessica Levitt

my blog: www.juicy-bits.typepad.com
my book, Modern Mix: http://amzn.to/jfT2XP


Congrats on your book! Your quilts are beautiful. I actually found your blog when searching for ideas for a unicorn/rainbow birthday party. The one you did looked amazing! I was wondering what type of food dye and how much you used to get such vibrant colors in the cake. Thanks for the inspiration!


Thank you Jessica. Very kind of you to share this pattern.

Jen B.

Just wanted to let you know that I've been following the book tour and that every time I see a new picture from the book I love it more. I can't wait to see it in person!

Donna R. Shelby,nc

I hopped on over from the Pink Chalk studio, and Just love you blog, I have been nosie and looked all around, I love you design wall and thequilts on it, this is fun....

Nancy B

Thanks for the pattern and the give a way.
I like your tutorials also.


The string quilt on the bed with hot pinks is wonderful! I think I would start there!

בגדי מעצבים

Beautiful art works on purse with different colors and designs. I like it too much. Thanks for sharing this one.

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  • You’ve stumbled across the bloggy home of Jessica Levitt. I’m a mom, sewer, crafter, and designer. Here’s where I write about making pretty stuff and all things creative…with a few details of my family life.
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