« 182: a Kingdom giveaway | Main | 184: spring 2011 quilt market recap part 2 »

May 27, 2011



Yay! All of the stuff looks amazing. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to make something with your beautiful fabric. Fingers crossed for the magazine thing!! ; )

Becky M

Love it all! Your booth looks fantastic!


Whahoooo! So excited to win! thank you so much! I Can't wait to see the beautiful fabric in person!


Those pincushions are ADORABLE!!!! Where'd you find those candleholders?? (The fabric is pretty darn fabulous too, the stained glass quilt is my favorite-far beyond my abilities but it's amazing!)

denver accident attorney

Prairie Glass Squared is stunningly beautiful. I loved it, the color looks really great. :)


lovely colour schemes on all the items... especially that quilt - I love how Prairie Glass Squared very much looks inspired by stained glass.

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