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April 05, 2011



"Is it bad that I didn't actually want them to contribute?"

Um, a little. You have talent and definitely can carry out a vision, but sounds like you need to learn to be a little less controlling. ;) I'm glad you didn't stop the girls from customizing it. Besides, I think it adds to the banner.

But don't worry, even though it's not exactly how you envisioned it, you clearly did a great job!


You're an artist; when a project is completed it is not always easy to let others change it. But I think the banner is fantastic!! And the girls' designs are just right - a nice addition that doesn't overwhelm the banner.


You did a fabulous job! Thanks so much for posting this, it gives me wonderful ideas! :)

Moncler Sverige

So fun article is! I know more from it.


Jessica, this banner is perfect, I love it. I was wondering what kind of material you used for the banner and how well it's held up the last two years.

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