« 172: christmas cuties | Main | 174: unicorns and rainbows party part 2: the day »

February 09, 2011



Wow! Looks fantastic.

Julie {CalleLillyCafe}

wow!! gorgeous!! I will save this to come back soon to read all the details on who & what! beautiful fairytale bday!


Fantastic! I love this :-)


Wow!!! I did a rainbow cake for my daughter last year but this was amazing! I wish I would have read this a year ago. You did a great job.

Tina in Boston

OMG! I LOVE IT! You are the best mommy in the whole world! (Second to mine, of course, who threw great birthday parties, but nothing like yours!!)


I LOVE IT! those cookies, the yarn balloons - love.


My daughter's birthday isn't until September, but I love this idea! I bookmarked it to come back to; hopefully I can talk her into it. :-)


Okay- you are unbelievable! What an awesome party! and the phtographs are gorgeous- what a wonderful idea!!!


Whoa! That is gorgeous. It reminds me of my bedroom as a kid: full of rainbows and unicorns too! Perfect for a little girl. Its so fun to plan a party. Great job!


Want to come and replicate this for my baby shower? This is absolutely STUNNING! The cake, the balloon string sculptures the candy and the way you arranged the fruit!? FABULOUS! I see the stuff you put together and I wonder where on earth you got your super powers because no ordinary human could do what you do pretty much all on your own.


As a child of the 80's ... I LOVE it!!! :) You did such an amazing job.


There are just no words. This is beyond amazing.

Jan | Daisy Janie

Wow wow wow wow! Nothing short of extraordinary!!!! I'd like everyday to be a rainbow party.


Wow! I love this party! You did an amazing job on all the details. What an inspiration!


Oh no !! Now my 12 year old wants a party just like it for her birthday in a couplse of months :-( I'm not sure I can live up to this.

Beautiful and awesome !!

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