« 161: glamping bohemian style | Main | 163: race car birthday part 1: the details »

September 06, 2010



I so seriously want to be you when I grow up!!! Except we're the same age. So...I'm going to need to figure out a way to go back in time and become far better organized and creative. LOL If I could take your blog to a younger me....maybe that would work.

This comment brought to you by watching parts I and II of "Back to the Future" today. LOL

Tabitha O.

Awww 3 is such a cool age, I can't wait to see the pics of the party decos

Tanya B

I'm really looking forward to your party pics. I have a HUGE race car fan here!


I just stumbled on your blog and I love it! You are very talented and creative! You inspire me to keep at it! Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful ideas.

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