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January 02, 2010


Erin Compton

Such a great idea, a lot of work but not very difficult, just tedious. I'm a bit inspired now!

Erin Compton

Also, I'm with you on looking ahead! We closed on our first home yesterday so all I can really think about is the future!


These are great - you have wonderful ideas!
I found your felt crown tutorial thrugh another blogger and made some for my three children and two friends for Christmas - they were very well received - so thank you for sharing your great ideas.
(I realised after that on the crowns for my girls I had done the square the letter is in the wrong way around, but never mind!)


I really, really, really love this!!!! Very inspiring!

Mary on Lake Pulaski

It's awesome!


Gorgeous ! Such a good job ! :D


Beeeautiful!! I am not a big fan of batiks but they looks so wonderful on these little wall hangings. Lovely work.


Those are awesome! Love!


Wonderful I love this. And I love that you have zero!

Lisa Mathis

Wow, love it!! It looks like something I could almost do, lol.


I also made your felt crown for my daughter for Christmas this year! I'm planning one for my son and a backup to have for visiting friends.:)

This is a great idea! I'm brainstorming ways to make the frame part cheaper (that seems like the most expensive part of the project)- could you just put them in photo frames minus the glass? Hmmm...


It turned out really cute. Way to go!

Rerto Jordans

I'm glad to be of your space. The pictures are good-looking, and writing is very good!

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