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November 01, 2009



oh my gosh your kids are adorable! and very clever mummy, they are FANTASTIC contumes :)


OMG - Strawberry Shortcake is cute, but Super Theo...Wow! Love the action shots.

Wonderful costumes. :-)

Erin Compton

Theo is so adorable! And the strawberry shortcake costume is totally every day wear!


These costumes (and kids) are adorable!! How unbelievably cute!!

Tabitha O.

Those are just the cutest costumes! Great job on them love them both.


It rained here, too! We usually have 200+ t-or-ters, and I don't know what to do with all this candy.


OMG, I love your Halloween costumes, they are always so stinkin' cute!!!! They look like they are having a ball!


Your kids and their costumes are so adorable! Well done!

Carrie G

So cute! The first pic of Theo is awesome. I do love my Strawberry Shortcake, though!


The Elvis/Superhero is the best!!


Your creative flair has been so much fun to read about. I echo everyone's sentiment that your kids are too cute!! I bet your house is a LOT of fun. :)


Super Theo is so awesome!!!

Crafting by Candlelight

sew katie did

OMG both super cute. Did she have that authentic plastic strawberry smell?

j. caroline

I came over to complain about that awful picture of me in the post below, but got sidetracked by the cute kiddies and their costumes. Great job! Will you make my kids' costumes next year?

Childrens Clothing

Love the photo of Aurora looking over her shoulder. Gorgeous! !!

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