« 110: breezy summer afternoons | Main | 112: more bloomin' crafts »

July 27, 2009



Welcome back!!!

Tabitha O.

Don't tease--the beach and rainbow colored thread lol


i think the threads are just lovely despite the lighting conditions...and boy i would love to be at the beach!


I'm totally excited to see the designs! Especially since the thread colors are totally amazing.


it is sort of nice to be disconnected from it all...

hey! i know you like a good deal on fabric and i wanted to tell you i'm selling some of my stash for amazing deals! joel dewberry and amy butler home dec stuff for $7/yd (the cheapest i saw it online otherwise was $12)

just thought i'd feed your addiction a little ;)

Jane Weston

Your post is sums it up so well. I've just returned from a seaside no internet vacation today and can completely see where you are coming from!


I like the looks of those colors....such a tease.


I have missed you! Welcome back! I took my kids to the beach today - I know what you mean. It's exhausting, but fun.

I really can't wait to see what you've come up with. I love the colors of the thread! I'm sure it will be lovely!


Teasing is OK

Amy - parkcitygirl

Welcome back! Love the colors and I cannot wait to see more!!

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