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June 24, 2009



Ugh to the rain! It rained here all last week and that is a drag. It still looks like you guys had a great time though! I bet it was a good adventure.


What a great way to make lemonade when life gives you lemons! It looks like lots of fun and I admire you for doing the whole tent thing with kids (I'm not that brave)!


We were just in Cape May, too. Cape May Point to be exact. Friday was a beautiful day, wasn't it? Perfect beach day, IMO.


Awww...Aurora and Theo both look pretty happy! I would be too, I'd love to return to Cape May, rain or no rain!

Glad you're back,


we've done the pack n play in the tent! the kids sure did look like they had a great time!


We cut our last camping trip short because of rain too. Sometimes it's just too wet to be fun anymore.

Genevieve Gail

Awww! Your kids are adorable! Looks like y'all had a great time...


Looks like a great adventure!


Sounds like a great adventure! I have to do something like that with my kids before they are teenagers and won't have anything to do with me!

Amy @ parkcitygirl

Fun! We had our own camping adventure over the weekend - but ended up home early . . . lightening :/

Polly Phinney

My nephew LOVES camping with us. And we all feel the same way as your son by the end. I suppose thats why we generally schedule an extra day off from work to lay around and re-group or nap :)
Glad you had a nice time. Welcome back!


Aurora is looking like your twin all of a sudden! Sounds like a fun trip.

sweet emmelie

So cute, looks like you had a great adventure.
I have written a post about the crowns I have made from your tut. plus I put your link in. The girls just love them, they are a great hit, thank-you!!!

K. Anne

I have fond memories of going to Wildwood as a child and making the day trip to Cape May to tour the shops. Looks as though you all had a grand time!


What a fun trip! I've been contemplating camping with my two this summer. I almost thought it would be fun to go with just me and the two kids (hubby is away) - but then I got my senses back. :) Glad you had a nice time!

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