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April 27, 2009



After a knitting break of a few months when I just couldn't get inspired, and was way too busy with other projects, I brought it in the car and I can't wait to finish it again. That's a good thing for a manic knitter.
Proceed with caution ;-)
I have some behind the scenes things going on too, I just need to get them organized and move forward.


Okay, curious curious curious (that's me!). A book? Oh joy if it is a book, I will be so excited to buy it! I love all your ideas, and that would be a fun book to own! Patterns for sale? That would be awesome too! Classes you will be teaching? Sigh. I am too far away. I can't wait to hear!

Scott at BlueNickelStudios

I LOVE fingerless gloves! I had my first pair put to good use 23 years ago or so...doing homework from college in my parents 1912 house in central Idaho! there was no direct heat upstairs...so I think it was 38-41 degrees up there...those gloves quickly became my absolute favorite!


You're knitting! Yippee! Can't wait to see the fingerless gloves, and thanks for the little mention/link, too! I haven't been by for a little bit - sounds like you've got some good things going on!

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