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April 16, 2009



that is a VERY cute bag! and yes, expensive, but worth it, right?! and hey - you're just doing your civic duty to help support the economy ;)

my husband bought me a $450 coach bag for my first mothers day 4 years ago. it's lovely and i'll have it forever, but sometimes when i carry it i'm more worried about someone stealing the bag than i am about the contents inside of it!


HAHA -- I thought this was going to be a post about your kids!!! Hooray for Mommy putting on her big girl panties! : )


Oh, it's gorgeous!! They've really updated their styles in the last couple of years. Once you see how well it holds up and how great the quality is you'll be addicted! I have several and they've only gotten better over time.

Thanks for sharing with us!


Oh, you lucky girl. That bag is to die for. Carrying it will definitely put some swank in your step. You go girl!



That bag is soooooooooooo great! I love it...and Brighton. They are so great. I have a few jewelry pieces from them but nothing even close to how great that bag is!

You lucky ducky!


Wow, is that cute!!! Yum!! I'm already plotting on how I could make one similar...


So pretty! Just throw a diaper and wipes in and go!

Michelle Z.

They will clean it for you? Are you serious? Like, for real?

Do they make bathrooms by any chance?


That is adorable! I had no idea that Brighton has canvas bag. I thought everything in that store was leather and covered in silver


Yum! I want one--


i love your new baby! beautiful :)

Scott at BlueNickelStudios

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! You are going to take that to Market so I can spot you across the convention center, right?


I love that they'll clean it for you! It's very cute.


Car detailing adds a polished look to a vehicle with little nuances to make the car look very clean.

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