« 83: welcome spring | Main | 85: baby blanket gift set - part 2 »

March 25, 2009


Amy @ parkcitygirl

Great tutorial! I love seeing your process - of course I've made baby blankets, but I usually have folded the backing up and over. . . thanks for sharing :)


I usually sew on bindings by hand. But I would rather use the machine! But I had no idea how to make it look good. THANK YOU for this tutorial! I am so excited, I think I will go make a blanket just to make one, don't have any idea who I will give it to! Love the thick binding too!


I'm from Brazil and I'm loving your blog. Your projects are amazing!
I'll try to do a blanked as yours to my baby and if it look good I'll send you a picture!
I didn't understand everything in english (my english isn't good enough...) but your pictures helped me a lot!
Maybe one day we could change ideas!!!
[email protected]

baby bows

Thanks for posting about the baby blanket gift set. Well, I'm not making them for a gift, it's for my baby. Next year I'll make another one coz my sister is expecting. I know she'll love it. =)

Jane Weston

I just found your blog and it is wonderful...I love this tutorial with all the pictures...makes it so much easier to understand. I was just wondering if you could explain the math and reason for the extra bit of fabric as you turned the corner. Is it because it is larger than say binding on a quilt.

Thanks in advance


I came across your blog while searching for a bib tutorial. I love that your bib is reversible. Can't wait to get started!!

heritage patchwork

Nice and useful gift that it will be with the personal touch that never comes from one bought with moneys.


Hi,came across your blog searching for a burp cloth tutorial,what a great idea for a christmas gift,thanks for sharing


I just blogged about making this blanket.
Great tutorial! Thanks so much Jessica.

baby gifts

..,nice blankets.... this is a good gift for cold season.... this is also good for babies usage...


Awesome!! Followed this tutorial to create a baby gift set for a co-worker ... blogged about it here: http://fabrikatedesigns.com/blog/?p=915

Rerto Jordans

Your blog is perfect! Very good article gives a person see admire that has a kind of feeling! Xi xi you share!

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I like this tutorial. Thanks for providing a perfect and complete information about baby blanket. I like that set which you displayed at the top. Truly that is very nice to give as a gift. I wish to know its price. basically I am from London. I want to purchase it for my nephew. He is just
8 month old. Great Work Wish you all the best for your blog.

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Life is only if the "first meet ", that would be...

gift to the Philippines

Great! good that you shared this its gonna be a perfect gift for sire and also thank you for the tutorial I will try making this. Anyway,I am looking forward to your next post.


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