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March 14, 2009


Amy @ parkcitygirl

Amazing quilts! Thanks for sharing your pictures! your haul looks inspiring :)


Wow, the first one and the sliverlights are my favourites. Shows are great, so inspiring. That looks like a really nice haul or fabric.


Amazing! And yes, intimidating as well! Wow.


Thanks for the pix...love the first quilt and the funky flower quilt! Great fabrics...love that green.


Wow, that must've been fun! And inspiring at the same time. I'm in awe of the first quilt, and Silverlight is just incredible. Thanks for sharing!


Wowza, those quilts are amazing! I've never seen anything like them.


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


Those quilts are amazing and quite a nice fabric stash you picked up.


I love the one w/ the girl on the car! Terrific!

I am going to my 1st every real quilt show next weekend. I have no idea what to expect. I have been thinning my stash all year so far in anticipation of buying some goodies at the quilt show.


Those are amazing!

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OH! I just LOVED the "summer vacation" picture with the car! It has such an amazing feel to it! Great works!

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Elsie M Campbell

The first quilt is my quilt Dad's Plaids featured in my String Quilts Book. Please give me credit in your text for making this quilt. It IS A COPYRIGHTED DESIGN, and without credit, or my express written permission, you may be violating copyright law. Thanks.


Elsie M Campbell

P.S. I'm really glad you liked my quilt! I love to share them with others, but because I make my living at designing quilts, providing a credit is important to me.

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