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November 30, 2008



Your table was beautiful! And, I love your leaves. I will have to file that one away for next year.


Your table is gorgeous! I consider my table "dressed up" if I use the damask napkins (instead of the plaid ones that don't show stains, you know!)


Don't you just love how pretty cranberries are when decorating?! I love how they look in the bottom of that vase. I used leaves to decorate our table too - so pretty. I love those napkins! Great job!


Your table is lovely! 17! Sounds like you had a great time.


Ahhh...Your table is lovely. I'm always drawn to fancy-smancy plates when I look at them in the store. More and more, though, I am drawn to plain. I love how you can dress a plain plate up to be whatever you want it to be.

I'm sure the people who sat at this table were every bit as beautiful and unique as those cool leaves you made.

You go girl!


Amy @ parkcitygirl

Your table was beautiful Jess! Love the leaves on each place setting, and the cranberries. That seems like something Martha would do. . ?


Just going through some of your older posts for inspiration. I love how you placed the napkins under the plates. I assume you made the napkins--they are gorgeous!

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