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October 29, 2008


Jen Borley

Those are truly amazing pieces. Tell her that I'll wear the necklace if she won't:) Tee hee. . .would that be bad? A 33 year old wearing such a cute necklace??? It snowed here the other day. . but this is Northeast Wisconsin. . I've come to accept the fact that we can use our AC & our furnace within 24 hours of one another:) I'm hoping it heats up a bit before Friday though!


Love your attention to details - like the shells on the shoes and a cute star-fish hair clip.
You're Amazing!

Rachael M.

I'm with Jen B - I would totally wear the sea turtle necklace!!! So no, Jen! It's not bad that a 33-year-old would want to wear one, because this soon to be 32-year-old would, too :-D

Lisa G.

sooooo cute! Can't wait to see the rest. Too bad it snowed here already. Growing up in Buffalo NY we always had to wear our coats and sometimes our boots over our costumes :(


Oh, I just love them. I'm doing my first attempt at making halloween costumes since seeing your monster one. Not that I will come any where close to that cuteness, I still love the one I made :)


I love the slippers. My first thought was "oh no she did NOT make those!" I love the starfish for her hair and the necklace too! I once spent a ridiculous amount of time making a princess costume (the materials cost me almost $100) and my daughter refused to wear it. Never again!


oh, and we're suffering too in SoFla. I had to wear a sweater and jeans today...IN OCTOBER!!!

Shealynn Benner

Great creations!! You are truly talented... and hey! I will take your snow and trade you for my 96 degrees today! ;)




I can't wait to see the costume all together - very sweet.


That hair barrette is to die for! You are so smart when it comes to stuff like this!

Doris at Threads of Conversation

Aurora cracks me up. I am dying to hear what she ended up wearing and "not" wearing!


Unbelievable. YOU are the reason I went crazy on costumes this year and when I was finished I thought "Oh even Juicy Bits won't have done THIS much" but sure enough, you beat me! I can't wait to see the whole thing. I LOVE the sequins on the ballet slippers. You win first place for details.


So much love sewn into all those little details. My oldest was a mermaid years ago...like when The Little Mermaid first came out... Yours is so much nicer. I love all the extras and how the fin flips up. Your little monster is too adorable too.

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