« 40: classroom quilt | Main | 42: more halloween goodness »

October 12, 2008



THIS. KILLS. ME. And if you don't use it this year, you can always lend it to me. :)


You gotta use this one again.


You really must use it again, it's too fabulous to be hidden away.


I would vote to use it again. I debated this myself with a lion costume that I made for my oldest and love. My daughter is going to wear it again this year. Afterall, how cute will the pictures be side by side?


OH my goodness!! This costume is so fabulous =) And I think you should use it as much as possible! Did you use a pattern? FAB JOB!


Oh you have to use that again! It's amazing! But if you don't, send it to me and my 16 month old would wear it rofl. It's just great!


Wow...that is the best costume ever! The vote is unanimous! You should use it again this year. Job well done!


Yes, that is the best costume ever!!!!


I would use this one again. It really is too cute to not use. There will be many years ahead when he will want something specific, or when he can't wear the hand me down costume(I imagine they will be too girly).


That is FABULOUS!!! What a lucky kid, and it looks SOOO warm! I would get all the use I could out of that puppy!

Paper Dolls for Boys

Why is this not in your etsy shop???

That is sooooo cool. That fur is perfect. Can't wait to see what you come up with this year!

Halloween is SO much fun!


Um, it's an awesome costume and you should use it again!


I vote to use it again too. It is way too cute. I never would have thought home made looking at it. And... I'm not sure I believe you with the whole "I'm not obsessed with monsters" thing. You might need an intervention :0)

amanda chadwick

Great job! I cant wait to see what my little monkey will look like in his costume.

Carrie G

I made the cutest little monkey and re-used (the one an only time I reused a costume) and I am glad I did. It was a grinder monkey and people thought it was Curious George - but whatever. What if you made an outfit for it? A monster dressed as a cowboy or a monsters dressed as a chicken? I have my boys' pictures side by side and they are precious. This year...they both want to be bats...another side by side pic, I guess!

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