« 38: extreme makeover: the toy castle edition | Main | 40: classroom quilt »

October 06, 2008



I love those chairs! It's amazing what a little bit of paint can do. Did you prime them first? Which finish of paint did you use. I have a couple of chairs I am getting ready to paint.

That mural is perfect. My favorite color pallette. Did you use your pantone guide? After I saw that post I totally want to get one.

Doris at threads of conversation

Very cool. I am on pins and needles waiting for the "total" unveiling, loving all the pieces you've shared so far!


looks GREAT! i love that mural. i've been working in my son's bedroom which doubles as a playroom (hey! we live in california. playrooms are few and far between...ok, kinda.) those chairs are awesome as well. i've been hunting craig's list for a brio train table. your chairs and mural combined might be my answer to making a surely horrible train table amazing again. :)

yes, one day i will post photos...


Love it all! Those chairs are great!


Love the tree and chairs, and I don't think seeing the bits and pieces will ruin the big reveal. Each piece is it's own little piece of art!


you are out of control! I was blown away by the monster birthday, then the dahlia table and now a mural? Is there anything you don't do?? Thanks so much for the wonderful ideas--you're a rockstar! I seriously have printed all of these things and tucked them away for when my kids are older! thanks jessica, your blog is so inspiring--how do you find the time?!


I love your colors. They'd fit right in here at our house! I'm so impressed you can follow through with all the things you do! I always end up with ideas and no time to get them done. Jealous you've been able to find time to get to thrift stores too, that's next on my list to do...


Amazing!!! Also, I wanted to let you know that you`ve been tagged. Check out my latest post for all the details. Thanks~


Playrooms are so fun. I did one for a showhouse and turned the wall pipes into the tree. Crazy, huh? This reminds me of it without all the extra work. Great colors.

Julie @ Letter9

Oh, Jessica. I am swooning at that mural. I'd like one right in my own bedroom.

I wonder if my husband would notice if one day I did that while he was at work... ; )


Hi, I've just seen you blog and i love it, yo have beatiful works!
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Thank you!

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