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September 21, 2008



Excellent tutorial, Jess!

Mary Corbet

Cute!! Nice tutorial! Your finishing is so perfect!

I love working with wool felt, too. I think there's a Huge Difference between it and the regular acrylic craft felt!

Mary Smith

Wow. Nice job. The felt material really works well on those crowns!


Thanks! I remember wanting a tutorial when you posted Theo's crown... It looks great!


you're the best! Thank you. Now I just have 5 weeks to make one. And then 6 weeks to make two more. Thanks for posting the tutorial!


These look fantastic. Thank you for the tutorial, I've been looking forward to seeing how you made these gorgeous crowns. All the best.


Great tutorial--thanks for sharing! Where do you get your wool felt? Do you have an online source? Thanks!


Thank you for sharing! I am planning on making crowns for my daughter's birthday...one for her and one for each of her 3 guests. I too would like to know if you have an online source for the wool felt. My local store doesn't carry it.


Oh, that is such a fantastic tutorial! I love the level of detail cause I'm just that sort of person. I'm bookmarking this for sure.



Beautiful! I made a poor man's crown for my son's 5th birthday. Nowhere as nice as yours. Where do you get your felt?


Your tutorials are great! Very easy to follow. Thank you!


I just discovered your blog and I love it. I'm going to list you on my morning coffee visits. Very creative. Will be back to visit often

Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the tutorial, those are just precious!

Amie Bringhurst

Can you tell me what sewing machine you use? I need a new one and some advice would do me good.


Cute!!! Thank you!

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