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July 01, 2008



I love these fabric wall dots, this would be a great way to spruce up a party. Thanks for the tutorial.


What a great idea! Thanks for taking the time to post the tutorial...and welcome to blogland, btw!


Love it! Great use of your creativity and favorite fabrics!!! thanks for sharing!

Scott at Blue Nickel Studios

great idea...I have a bunch of embroidery hoops piled that I was going to do this same kind of thing...Moda did it for one of their ad promos once...somewhere...
anyway...I love your alternative method!
Keep those great ideas coming!


These are great and would look fantastic in a child's nursery, especially the polka dot one I dream of.

Thanks for sharing




I have seen this done with embroidery hoops but I am digging this method! Now to decide on the 'favorites' that would gain wall status. :D I am thinking it could be changed with the seasons too. Mmmmmmmm

hannah m

You are so clever! Here via Craft magazine (and that gorgeous dahlia table - LOVE it!) and am enjoying perusing your craftiness! So inspiring!

Thanks for sharing...


Hi Jessica,

This was a great idea and I snatched it up immediately. I needed something both effective and inexpensive for my living room wall. As soon as I saw your tutorial I knew I had found what I was looking for! You can see the results of your inspiration here: http://wonky-eye.blogspot.com/

Thanks so much!




Fabulous idea and they look awesome!! Lovely personal style too!!

Peace Giggles


Thanks for the idea!! I'm going to try it out in my classroom because I'm doing a button theme. :) These will look like big buttons. Except I'm *not* doing the holes for the buttons. :)


so cool!!! But I always expect that from you...


These are lovely and what a wonderful alternative to using embroidery hoops! Thanks for sharing!


I did a similar thing with scrapbook paper--created an impromptu 'platter' for some cupcakes I made.

I think we're going to do something similar for my step-daughters' room. They want polka-dots, but I'm not too keen on the idea of permanently painting the walls. This will be a great solution!


I have a huge blank wall in my bedroom that this will be perfect for and a lot cheaper than the painting i was considering.

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